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Discover how the Romanian healthcare system works

Over the last few years, the Romanian health system has undergone numerous reforms. Although the situation has greatly improved, the country still suffers from a shortage of health professionals and a somewhat outdated healthcare system in certain regions, particularly in rural areas.

However, in the big cities,  you will have no trouble finding qualified, experienced doctors and a large number of efficient and well-equipped infrastructures (public and private hospitals, polyclinics, health centers, etc.). 

In Romania, public healthcare is free of charge for all persons enrolled in the National Health Insurance Fund (CNAS). This general scheme covers, among other things, basic and specialized medical care, dental and hospital care, and medicines.  

In addition, within the framework of the universal scheme, certain categories of persons are automatically provided with free healthcare. This includes:

- Minors;
- Students or apprentices under the age of 26;
- Disabled persons with no source of income;
- Pregnant women or women who have recently given birth;
- Incapacitated persons, veterans, etc.

Healthcare formalities for expatriates :

If you live in Romania, you are covered by the general health insurance scheme, whether you are an employee, self-employed, or married to an expatriate.

To access medical services under the scheme, simply show your CNAS health insurance card during your consultations. You will also need to choose and declare a treating doctor in order to benefit from health insurance in Romania. You can check your insurance status on the CNAS website.

For short stays, as a citizen of a European Union member country, you can also use the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). With this card you have access to health professionals and hospitals under the same conditions and at the same cost as insured persons in Romania. You can apply for this card online at your local health insurance center at least 15 days before your departure.

In any case, you are strongly advised to take out international health insurance if you are going to Romania as an expatriate. This will allow you to benefit from repatriation coverage, which is essential when living abroad.

Visiting a doctor

To find a medical practitioner in Romania, visit the CNAS website. Here you will find contact details for all types of healthcare providers and facilities in your area (hospitals, general practitioners or specialists, dentists, pharmacists, in-home nurses, etc.).

English-speaking doctors can be found in the capital and the main cities of the country. 

On average, you should expect to pay between $26 and $32 (123 to 150 leu) for a consultation with a general practitioner.

To consult a specialist, you must first have a referral from your treating doctor (except in an emergency or for the monitoring of certain chronic diseases).

Being admitted to hospital

Other than in an emergency, admission to hospital is by referral from a treating doctor or a specialist. In this case, hospitalization in a public hospital will be reimbursed at 100%. Additional charges will apply if you are hospitalized in a private facility.

Buying medication

In Romania, you will find many local pharmacies wherever you are. The cost of medication is among the lowest in Europe.  

The level of reimbursement by the CNAS depends on the category of the medicine:

- Category A: 90% reimbursement
- Category B: 50% reimbursement
- Category C: 100% reimbursement
- Category D: 20% reimbursement

Vaccinations to be carried out

There are no compulsory vaccinations for traveling to Romania. However, before going to live in the country, it is recommended that you are up to date with your vaccination schedule (diphtheria-tetanus-poliomyelitis; measles-mumps-rubella; hepatitis B, etc.). It is also advisable to be vaccinated against hepatitis A.

Depending on where you are staying and for how long,  other vaccinations may be required. For example, the tick-borne encephalitis vaccine is recommended for a stay in rural or forest areas from spring to fall. Vaccinations against typhoid and rabies are recommended for long stays. 

Remember to see your doctor for a check-up and the required vaccinations before you leave.

Also, although it is possible to travel to Romania from France without being vaccinated against COVID-19, it is nevertheless recommended to be vaccinated before departure.

If you are already in Romania, you should be aware that the Romanian authorities have set up a free vaccination program against COVID-19 which is open to foreign nationals from age 12 upwards.

Health risks

Romania does not present any major health risks. However, it is important to find out about the precautions to take if you are staying in rural areas or in poor hygiene conditions

Good to know

Emergency services and useful numbers

- Emergency services (fire, police, ambulance, etc.): 112 (a single number for all services)
- US Embassy in Romania: Tel: + 40-21-270-6000 / Emergency tel: + 40-21-200-3300

Get your health insurance for Romania

MSH can help you design the best international health insurance plan to suit your needs.

Going for less than a year?  
We have the right health insurance plan to cover you for 1 to 12 months, whether it's for a personal project, an apprenticeship, a working holiday or any other reason.

Going for a year or more?
Explore our comprehensive and highly flexible health insurance solutions to protect you and your family while you're abroad.

Algunos datos

Nombre oficial


Principales ciudades



Forma de gobierno

República semipresidencialista

Idioma principal

Más información

Rumanía en Wikipedia

Testimonios de clientes

Testimonio: estuvieron ahí para mi recién nacido

Laure y Robert se mudaron a Singapur en 2014 por motivos laborales, pero acabaron fundando allí una familia. Laure informó a MSH de que se había quedado embarazada y quedó maravillada de todo el apoyo que recibió. Primeramente recibió una guía práctica sobre el embarazo (qué hacer en cada etapa, exámenes médicos, etc.) y a continuación un miembro del personal la llamó para explicarle todas las garantías personalmente y aconsejarle el mejor lugar donde dar a luz. El día en que dio a luz a su hija, recibió un paquete de obsequio con una tabla de crecimiento y un juguete para bebé, con los mejores deseos de parte de MSH. Y ahora hay otro bebé en camino...
Testimonio: MSH me salvó la vida

Matthieu hacía senderismo por un cañón en Perú cuando cayó varios metros y se fracturó la rodilla y el codo: "Tras 12 días en un hospital local, me reenviaron a Francia, donde pasé 2 semanas más en otro hospital y meses de fisioterapia", recuerda. MSH cubrió todos los gastos de hospitalización, repatriación y rehabilitación de Matthieu: "Sin el seguro médico privado, habría sido una pesadilla: 16.000 € por el hospital y 50.000 € por la repatriación en dos ambulancias aéreas, ¿se imagina?"
Testimonio: ¡No te preocupes!

Tanguy suscribió Start'Expat para estar cubierto durante su año sabático preuniversitario en Australia. Un día salió a divertirse con sus patines, se resbaló y quedó inconsciente durante unos minutos. Un transeúnte lo acercó al hospital más cercano para un reconocimiento médico. Por fortuna no fue nada grave y salió encantado de que MSH se hiciera cargo por adelantado de todos los gastos por encima de 400 €, lo que le ahorró un total de 513 €, ¡que no es poco dinero para un estudiante!
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