MSH International revela resultados alentadores en una encuesta realizada a 57 empresas. Frédéric van Roekeghem fue el invitado de BFM Business el viernes, 30 de octubre de 2020, y nos expuso los resultados de esta encuesta
REPLAY - Interview with Frédéric van Roekeghem, Managing Director of MSH International, on BFM Business
MSH International reveals encouraging results from a survey of 57 companies of varying sizes, though primarily focusing on large groups, across a range of industries. Two thirds of respondents expect to see a positive trend in their business sector (65%) or their own activity (63%).
Frédéric van Roekeghem was invited onto BFM Business on Friday, October 30, 2020 to comment on the results of this groundbreaking survey that confirms that most companies have retained their internationally-mobile employees