MSH, world leader in international health insurance with over 700,000 insured members worldwide, announces the opening of a center of excellence in Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia. This new regional office strengthens MSH’s presence in South-East Asia, consolidating its global presence across the world.
The world leader in international health insurance, with over 700,000 insured members worldwide, MSH has launched its "neo" range designed for new forms of international mobility, with an initial offering aimed at young people aged between 18 and 35.
MSH, a subsidiary of the DIOT-SIACI Group and a world leader in international medical and personal risk insurance launched the “MSH All Staff” Health Check-Up in 2023, a service that can be offered to all company employees. It is based on a unique process combining digital and physical health checks.
Previnter provides all its members with access to ‘Caring By Eutelmed’, a new platform dedicated to mental health prevention for their expatriate employees
Dhouha Gaaya is promoted MSH Director of Operating and Transformation and Laurent Bonhote joins MSH Dubai as Deputy CEO.
David Nguyen joins MSH, the world's leading provider of Health and Life & Disability insurance solutions to expatriates and international organizations, as new Director of Healthcare Management.
Séverine Lacroix joins MSH, the world's leading provider of Health and Life & Disability insurance solutions to expatriates and international organizations, as director of retail distribution and digital.
Benchmark your strategy against leading companies in the face of new challenges
Laurent Jumelle joins MSH, the world's leading provider of Health and Life & Disability insurance solutions to expatriates and international organizations, as Deputy Executive Director.
The CFE (Caisse des Français de l'Etranger) and MSH International are offering the Carte Vitale to all their eligible joint members.
Frédéric GRAND, Vice-Chairman of the Executive Board of Diot, a graduate of the Ecole Centrale Paris (1988) and Georgia State University in Atlanta, joined MSH International as Managing Director on January 1st.
The 12th PREVINTER University took place Thursday, September 30 at the Paris-Picasso Museum. Have a look at the program and the highlights of this event which was a great success.
Obtenha uma visão geral completa das responsabilidades sociais das empresas para com seus funcionários globalmente móveis: responsabilidades sociais clássicas e novas vinculadas ao início da pandemia.
Compare sua estratégia com empresas líderes em face de novos desafios
A MSH International revela resultados encorajadores num inquérito realizado junto de 57 empresas. Frédéric Van Roekeghem foi o convidado do BFM Business na sexta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2020, para comentar os resultados deste inquérito.
Sondagem Exclusiva COVID-19:
Inspire-se e repense a sua estratégia de mobilidade internacional
Superar com êxito o regresso ao trabalho na sua dimensão psicológica
A MSH International (Américas) nomeou Guillaume Deybach para o cargo de Diretor Executivo da sua divisão norte-americana e Diretor-geral para o mercado americano. Com base em mais de 20 anos de experiência em gestão, Guillaume proporciona uma valiosa liderança à equipa de direção da MSH num período crítico de crescimento. Enquanto Diretor Executivo, Guillaume liderará as operações da empresa, bem como a sua expansão nos Estados Unidos.
A MSH International estará presente, pelo segundo ano consecutivo, na conferência anual da AHRMIO que irá decorrer de 30 de setembro a 2 de outubro em Boston, nos Estados Unidos.
A MSH International, a líder mundial em conceção e gestão de soluções internacionais de seguro do ramo Saúde e Previdência para pessoas em mobilidade e uma filial do Grupo SIACI SAINT HONORE, ganhou o prémio "Singapore Broker of the Year" nos Singapore Insurance Asia Awards 2019 através da Expat Insurance, a sua filial localizada em Singapura.