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 Norway is a country in Northern Europe, located on the west-northwestern side of the Scandinavian peninsula. The country shares its borders with Sweden, Finland and Russia and is partly bordered by the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans.

The country is home to more than 100 fjords (ancient glacial valleys invaded by sea water), almost 50,000 small islands and no less than 2,500 km of coastline. Norway is also home to numerous glaciers, waterfalls and peaks, the highest of which is Mount Galdhopiggen, Scandinavia's highest point at 2,470 meters.

After Iceland and Russia, Norway is the least densely populated country in Europe. It is also the most northerly country in Europe.
  • Population: 5.379 million in 2020
  • Area: 385,207 km2
  • Currency: Norwegian krone
  • Official languages: Bokmal, Nynorsk, Norwegian, and the Sami languages


Discover how the system works in Norway

The Norwegian healthcare system is excellent and probably among the best in the world. The staff are highly qualified and the infrastructure is modern and well-equipped.

To be covered by Norwegian health insurance, you must be registered in the national register: the Folkeregister. This registration will be automatic if you are working in Norway under a local contract. You will then be registered with the national health insurance scheme (NIS) and entitled to coverage for certain healthcare services (medical consultations, mental health consultations, medication, etc.), in return for a contribution of 8% of your gross salary.

Healthcare formalities for expatriates

European Union citizens can benefit from the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). You must apply for this at least 15 days before your departure.

This insurance entitles you to healthcare with the same conditions of reimbursement as those in force in the country. However, once the EHIC share has been deducted, some costs remain payable by the patient.

The average cost of a consultation with a general practitioner is NOK 155 (€16) and NOK 351 (€36) for a consultation with a specialist.

In any case, it is strongly recommended that you take out international health insurance before visiting or moving to Norway in order to benefit from higher reimbursement rates, access to the private healthcare system, and repatriation assistance.  

Visiting a doctor

There are around 4.6 doctors per 1,000 inhabitants in Norway, an excellent ratio. If you are resident in Norway, you will be assigned a general practitioner by the state. You will be able to change your GP twice a year on the Helse Norge website.

Most Norwegian doctors are fluent in English. You will also find a list of French-speaking practitioners on the website of the French embassy in Norway.

Medical appointments are free for children under the age of 16.

Being admitted to hospital

If you are hospitalized in a private facility, you will need to show your European Health Insurance Card at the hospital. You will have no fees to pay although you will need to produce a medical referral, unless you are admitted in an emergency.

Buying medication

There are well-stocked pharmacies (apotek) and drugstores throughout the country. Norway has an e-prescription system: after the consultation with the doctor, your prescription is registered on a central database and sent to you electronically, allowing you to pick up your medication at any pharmacy. You may be asked for your identity card when buying prescription medicines at a pharmacy.

Vaccinations to be carried out

There are no compulsory vaccinations for traveling to Norway. It is simply recommended that you are up to date with the universal vaccination schedule (measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, whooping cough, polio, etc.).

If you are staying in a rural or forest area up to 1,500 meters above sea level, between spring and autumn, you may be advised to be vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis. For more information, consult your treating doctor or visit a travelers' vaccination center.

Health risks

There are no particular health risks to be aware of in Norway. However, remember to comply with the health measures in place to combat coronavirus and find out about the rules in force in the country (vaccination, wearing a mask, preventive behaviors, etc. before you leave).

Good to know

Emergency services and useful numbers:
  • Police: 112
  • Fire service: 110
  • Ambulance: 113
  • Emergencies: 116 117

Official name: Kingdom of Norway
Main cities: Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger, Kristiansand, Fredrikstad, Tromsø, Drammen...
Type of state: Constitutional monarchy
Capital: Oslo 

Get your health insurance for Norway

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Offizieller Name

Königreich Norwegen

Größte Städte

Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger




Zentral regierte parlamentarische konstitutionelle Monarchie

Verbreitete Sprache

Samisch, Englisch

Weitere Informationen

Norwegen auf Wikipedia


Kundenerfahrung: aufgewacht mit MSH

Rachel lebt in Togo und ist seit 2002 bei MSH versichert. Nach einem Routineeingriff fiel sie für zwei Monate ins Koma. Ihr Krankenhausaufenthalt kostete über 200.000 Euro. Die Kosten wurden jedoch komplett von MSH übernommen, ohne dass sie sich um irgendetwas kümmern musste. Dank der schnellen Reaktion des Teams und seines souveränen Umgangs mit der Situation war Rachels Familie keinem zusätzlichen Stress ausgesetzt. Das galt auch für Rachel selbst, als sie aufwachte.
Kundenerfahrung: MSH als Retter in der Not

Matthieu war in einem Canyon in Peru wandern, als er abrutschte und mehrere Meter in die Tiefe stürzte. Dabei brach er sich die Kniescheibe und den Ellenbogen: 'Nach zwölf Tagen in einem lokalen Krankenhaus wurde ich nach Frankreich zurückgeschickt. Dort verbrachte ich noch einmal zwei Wochen im Krankenhaus und erhielt mehrere Monate lang Physiotherapie', erinnert er sich. Matthieus Krankenhausaufenthalt, die Rückführung und die Rehamaßnahmen wurden komplett von MSH bezahlt. 'Ohne meine private Krankenversicherung wäre das ein Albtraum gewesen: 16.000 Euro für das Krankenhaus und 50.000 für meine Rückführung mit zwei Sanitätsflugzeugen ... Können Sie sich das vorstellen?'
Kundenerfahrung: die richtige Entscheidung

Bill lebt mit seiner Familie in Brasilien. Weil er mit seiner vorherigen Versicherung nicht zufrieden war, wechselte Bill im Dezember 2015 zu MSH. 'Das war eine der besten Entscheidungen, die ich getroffen habe, seit ich hierher gekommen bin', sagt er. 'Das liegt an den umfangreichen Dienstleistungen und der Größe und Qualität des Netzwerks.' Bills Versichertenkarte wird jetzt von den größten und besten Krankenhäusern in São Paulo akzeptiert. Selbst die Kosten für einfache Untersuchungen im Krankenhaus werden ohne vorherige Vereinbarung direkt übernommen. 'MSH macht das Leben leichter', meint Bill.
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