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Discover how the Ivorian health system works

The Ivorian health system includes public sector facilities (primarily funded by the State, donations, and subsidies) and the private sector. There are health centers, general and specialized hospitals, university hospitals, infirmaries, specialist practices, etc.

In Côte d'Ivoire, the medical infrastructure is rather run down and sometimes under-equipped. This is because many facilities date from the 1960s and 1980s and have never been renovated. In addition, the country suffers from a lack of healthcare personnel and a shortage of medical transportation services.

Medical coverage is fairly good in Abidjan, but health facilities are not evenly distributed throughout the country. In peri-urban or rural areas, access to care can be more difficult. In 2019, there was one doctor for every 7,354 inhabitants, according to the official website of the Ivorian government.

The general health insurance scheme provides coverage for most types of medical care, but some services are not covered. International insurance is therefore essential during a trip or expatriation to Côte d'Ivoire.

Visiting a doctor

To find a general practitioner or specialist near you in Côte d'Ivoire, you can use the website

The cost of a medical consultation is relatively affordable. For example, a consultation with a general practitioner in a large town costs around 15,000 CFA francs (€22.55).

Being admitted to hospital

The Ivorian health insurance scheme does not cover hospital charges (other than maternity admissions). It is therefore essential to take out international health insurance to avoid having to pay high hospital expenses.

This will allow you to receive medical care in private hospitals where the system is of better quality and waiting times are shorter.

In fact, any public hospitals in the country are still unreliable. In case of serious illnesses, it may be better to seek treatment in a neighboring country or in your home country. With international insurance, you will be able to benefit from repatriation assistance.

Get your health insurance for Ivory Coast

MSH can help you design the best international health insurance plan to suit your needs.

Going for less than a year?  
We have the right health insurance plan to cover you for 1 to 12 months, whether it's for a personal project, an apprenticeship, a working holiday or any other reason.

Going for a year or more?
Explore our comprehensive and highly flexible health insurance solutions to protect you and your family while you're abroad.

Buying medication

 Pharmacies are easily found in all towns in Côte d'Ivoire. However, in some establishments supplies may be inadequate or medicines may be unavailable.

Never buy medicines sold on the street or in the markets.

Health risks

There are a number of health risks to be aware of before travelling to Côte d'Ivoire.

In fact, a number of infectious diseases are common here. This is particularly true of HIV/AIDS (Côte d'Ivoire is the most affected country in West Africa). Make sure you take the usual precautions and avoid at-risk behaviors.

Malaria is also very common in the country (this parasitic disease transmitted by mosquitoes is responsible for 68% of hospitalizations in Côte d'Ivoire according to the French Development Agency, ADF. To protect yourself from the risk of malaria, it is possible to take medication. In addition, be sure to use preventive measures against mosquito bites (mosquito nets, repellents, clothing that covers the body, electric diffusers, etc.). This will also allow you to limit the risks of chikungunya and dengue fever, for which there is no preventive treatment.

In Côte d'Ivoire, it is not advisable to drink tap water if it has not first been boiled or filtered.

Also, follow the protective measures against Covid-19 and check the regulations in force in the country at the time of your stay.

Vaccinations to be carried out

The yellow fever vaccine is required for entry into Côte d'Ivoire. It is also recommended to update your vaccination schedule.

Lastly, certain vaccinations are recommended during a stay in the country, such as hepatitis A, hepatitis B, rabies, meningococcal meningitis, and typhoid fever.

In addition, an anti-malaria treatment is strongly recommended.

Before your departure, consult a doctor or go to an international vaccination center.

Good to know

Emergency services and useful numbers:
  • Medical emergency service, SAMU: 185
  • Police: 110
  • Fire service: 180
  • French Embassy in Abidjan: ()

In pillole

Nome ufficiale

Repubblica della Costa d'Avorio

Principali città

Abidjan, Bouaké, Daloa, Yamoussoukro



Forma di governo

Repubblica presidenziale con sistema parlamentare

Lingue parlata

Francese, dioula

Storie dei clienti

Storia: mi sono svegliata e MSH era lì

Rachel vive in Togo ed è assicurata con MSH dal 2002. Dopo un intervento chirurgico di routine è entrata in coma per 2 mesi. Il suo ricovero è costato più di 200.000 euro, ma è stato interamente pagato da MSH, senza che lei dovesse fare nulla. Grazie alla reattività del nostro team e alla buona gestione della situazione, la famiglia di Rachel non ha avuto ulteriori stress, così come Rachel quando si è svegliata.
Storia: MSH mi ha aiutata quando sono diventata mamma

Nel 2014 Laure e Robert si sono trasferiti a Singapore per lavorare e hanno finito per metter su famiglia! Laure ha comunicato a MSH di aspettare un bambino ed è rimasta sbalordita dall'assistenza ottenuta. Innanzitutto, ha ricevuto una guida pratica sulla gravidanza (cosa fare in ogni trimestre, gli esami medici, ecc.) e poi un membro del team l’ha chiamata per illustrarle personalmente tutte le garanzie e consigliarle la struttura migliore in cui partorire. Quando la figlia di Laure è nata, ha ricevuto un kit di benvenuto con una tabella di crescita, un giocattolo e tutti i migliori auguri di MSH. E ora c’è un fratellino o una sorellina in arrivo...
Storia: un secondo parere

Petra era molto preoccupata per un intervento chirurgico che le era stato prescritto dopo un infortunio domestico. Prima di prendere una decisione però voleva sentire un secondo parere. Grazie alla sua assicurazione sanitaria privata, che prevedeva una garanzia per secondo parere medico, è stata rapidamente visitata da un altro medico e ha ottenuto tutte le risposte alle sue domande. Il secondo medico concordava sulla necessità di intervenire chirurgicamente e Petra si è sottoposta all’operazione in ospedale con maggiore sicurezza e tranquillità.
Scopri le loro storie

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