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In the event of an accident or hospitalization, this option allows you and your family members to be repatriated to your home country. You also benefit from psychological assistance and personal third-party liability coverage.
Accesso rapido

Full assistance (optional)


• Emergency medical transport
• Repatriation to the country of habitual residence (country of expatriation) or to the country of origin (country of nationality or departure).

Paid in full (see details in the brochure)

• Repatriation of body in case of death
• Coffin or urn costs
• Recognition of bodies and death formalities

Paid in full (see details in the brochure)

• Repatriation of children under 18 in the event of hospitalization
• Organization of travel for a relative or companion if necessary
• Bedside presence in the event of hospitalization
• Return to the place of residence
• Early return in the event of the death or serious illness of a close relative
• Psychological assistance

Paid in full (see details in the brochure)

• All physical, material and immaterial damages
€3,500,000 (capped at €1,000,000 in the USA and Canada)

With the following sub-limits:
• Food poisoning
• Combined material damage

1,000,000 €
1,000,000 €
(Deductible of 300 € per Claim)

• Defense Appeal:

Outside the USA €16,000
USA €30,000

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