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Dalle 9:00 alle 18:00 (CET)
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Team commerciale imprese
Dalle 9:00 alle 18:00 (CET)
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Siamo sempre al tuo fianco per proteggere te e i tuoi cari, anche nelle situazioni più difficili.
Accesso rapido

Death and disability

Repatriation of the body or ashes to the member's home country in the event of death
Actual costs

Cost of coffin or urn

Up to €2,000/$2,500

Body identification and administrative formalities carried out by a family member.

Return tickets for 2 family members and accommodation (€150 per day per person, max 2 days)

- Return of an accompanying beneficiary
- Accompanying your children
- Emergency return following the death or serious illness of a close relative

- Return ticket
- Round-trip ticket and accommodation (€150/day for 2 days) for one accompanying person
- Round-trip ticket

Advance of bail

Up to €15,000

Advance and payment of legal fees

Up to €3,000

Search parties

Up to €15,000

Early return home in the event of a claim

Return ticket

Early return / Transportation to a secure area in the event of an attack or natural disaster

Return ticket or Round-trip ticket

Sending medication abroad

Shipping costs

Assistance in the event of theft, loss or destruction of identity documents or means of payment

Information on administrative procedures
Cash advance up to €2,300
Extended stay: €150 / night (max. €1,500)

Travel incidents: flight delays resulting in missed connections (for technical or atmospheric reasons).

Flat-rate allowance of €300

Psychological assistance

3 telephone interviews

Personal injury :
Accidental death
Permanent Total Disability


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