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Sistema de saúde

Discover how the health system works in Israel

The local healthcare insurance system in Israel known as “Kupot Cholim“ provides all Israeli residents with free access to basic medical care.

The Kupot Cholim is divided into four health insurance funds. Each Israeli citizen is free to choose the health fund he/she wants to register with:
- the Clalit health fund covers 54% of Israeli citizens
- the Maccabi health fund covers 23% of Israeli citizens
- the Meuhedet health fund covers 12% of Israeli citizens
- the Leumit health fund covers less than 10% of Israeli citizens

However, they can switch health funds every six months. Each year, the Ministry of Health releases a list of basic medical care that must be covered by all health funds in order to avoid competition between the four health funds.
Still, this insurance cover is not enough as it only reimburses basic medical care set by the government. This is why it is highly recommended to take out top-up health insurance. But you will often have to pay an out-of-pocket amount for certain services (e.g. for drugs) even if you are covered by a complementary health insurance plan.

The local healthcare system is funded via contributions deducted from salaries. The contributions collected are then split between the four health funds by the Kupot Cholim.

Visiting a doctor in Israel

Israeli GPs mainly see their patients in free health centers. There are call centers to get an appointment. The national telephone number is *3833 available 24 hours a day.
Israeli GPs are paid directly by the Kupot Cholim, which is why you do not need to make cash advances for your medical expenses. You only need to show your doctor the magnetic card issued by your health insurance fund.

You can switch GPs two times per quarter. However, if you want to see a third doctor during the quarter, for example in order to have a second medical opinion, you will have to pay ILS 154 (around USD 43).

A consultation with a private doctor costs around ILS 300 (around USD 83).

Specialist doctors in Israel:
In case of specific medical care, your GP will refer you to the appropriate specialist. The healthcare insurance system in Israel provides high-quality care and medical equipment.

To see a specialist doctor in Israel, you will have to pay an amount of ILS 600 (around USD 160) per quarter. You will be able to see the specialist during the entire quarter without paying the consultation again.

Doctors speak English and Hebrew.

Being admitted to hospital in Israel

Hospitals in Israel
Waiting times may be long if you do not have an appointment. Hospitals meet quality standards in terms of medical infrastructure and hygiene. Furthermore, consultations are free if you have a prescription.

Buying medication in Israel

Drugs are reimbursed up to the limit set by the Kupot Cholim. Even if you have top-up health insurance, you will have to pay an out-of-pocket amount of 15% per drug.

Obtenha o seu seguro de saúde para a Israel

MSH can help you design the best international health insurance plan to suit your needs.

Going for less than a year and over 36 years old?  
Discover our health insurance plan to cover you up to 12 months, for any reason.

Going for less than a year and under 36 years old?  
Discover our health insurance plan to cover you up to 12 months, whether it's for internships, working holiday visas, or just tourism.

Going for a year or more?
Explore our comprehensive and highly flexible health insurance solutions to protect you and your family while you're abroad.

Factos importantes

Nome oficial

Estado de Israel

Principais cidades

Telavive, Haifa, Beersheba, Jerusalém ("corpus separatum")


Telavive / Jerusalém


Democracia parlamentar unitária

Língua comum

Iídiche, Francês

Histórias de clientes

História: a MSH salvou-me a vida

Matthieu estava a fazer uma caminhada num desfiladeiro no Peru quando caiu acidentalmente vários metros e fraturou a rótula e o cotovelo: "Passados 12 dias num hospital local, fui enviado de volta para França, onde passei mais 2 semanas no hospital e meses em fisioterapia", recorda. As despesas de hospitalização, repatriação e reabilitação de Matthieu foram todas cobertas pela MSH: "Sem o meu seguro de saúde privado, teria sido um pesadelo: 16 000 euros para o hospital e 50 000 euros para a minha repatriação com duas ambulâncias - conseguem imaginar?"
História: relaxa, amigo!

Tanguy subscreveu o Start'Expat para cobrir o seu ano sabático na Austrália. Um dia, andava a patinar quando escorregou e desmaiou durante alguns minutos. Um transeunte levou-o para o hospital mais próximo para fazer exames. Felizmente, não era nada de grave e ele ficou satisfeito quando soube que todas as despesas no valor de 400 euros seriam pagas pela MSH em adiantado, poupando-lhe um total de 513 euros - é muito dinheiro para um estudante!
História: a decisão acertada

Bill e a sua família vivem no Brasil. Descontente com a sua seguradora anterior, Bill mudou para a MSH em dezembro de 2015: "Uma das melhores decisões que tomei desde que estou aqui", afirma, "pelo nível de serviço e a extensão e qualidade da rede." O cartão de seguro de Bill agora é reconhecido pelos maiores e melhores hospitais em São Paulo. Ele até recebe pagamentos através de terceiros para exames hospitalares simples sem precisar de aprovação prévia: "A MSH facilita a vida", diz Bill.
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