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Health Advice – Published on the 01/06/2022


Do you know that you are entitled to a regular full check-up? What is this? Who can have one? Why, where and how? Follow our guide!




Table of contents



1. What is a health check-up?

2. Is the health check-up mandatory?

3. Why have a health check-up?

4. When should you have a health check-up?

5. How do you book a check-up?

6. What does a health check-up involve?

7. What happens after the health check-up?



1. What is a health check-up?

A health check-up is a set of clinical tests and complementary examinations conducted as a preventive measure.


The check-up is adapted according to your age, gender and history and includes consultations with various healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses, dentists, etc.) to assess your state of health (physical and mental), your ongoing medical care and your lifestyle.


This health check-up is a comprehensive prevention tool that is based on the latest medical recommendations. It is conducted in addition to the medical care you receive from your registered practitioner.



2. Is the health check-up mandatory?


All check-ups are optional. However, it is strongly recommended that you have your health checked prior to departure abroad and upon return from expatriation.



For employers with employees working abroad, a health check-up is a real responsibility.



As a future expatriate, you may be offered a health check-up before you leave.



3. Why have a health check-up?



A health check-up is an opportunity to check your state of health, address your concerns and put questions to a cross-disciplinary team in a completely confidential framework.


For example, the health check-up is a great opportunity to discuss smoking, physical activity, your diet, your emotional and sex life, your relationships with others, your well-being, etc.




4. When should you have a health check-up?


You can have a check-up at any time! The interval between check-ups depends on several factors such as your age, your history and your lifestyle.


Under certain circumstances, it may be the right time to have a check-up:

  • Prior to departure abroad.
  • Upon returning from expatriation.
  • In the event of chronic disease or symptoms (diabetes, heart conditions, etc.).

5. How do you book a check-up?


Contact your social security office and your complementary health insurance provider to find out what is available.


If you are an expatriate :

  • Your employer can offer you a health check-up. Find out more from your company’s HR department.
  • Your international health insurance plan may also offer a check-up in the event of professional mobility.


6. What does a health check-up involve?


A full health check-up includes:

  1. A paramedical examination: measurement of your weight, height, blood pressure. According to your work conditions and lifestyle, you may also be offered tests to check your vision, hearing, breathing or an electrocardiogram.
  2. Laboratory tests: blood test (blood sugar level, red and white blood cells, cholesterol, etc.) and urine test to screen for certain diseases (diabetes, anemia, high cholesterol, kidney problems, etc.).
  3. A dental examination: if you have not received regular dental check-ups.
  4. A medical examination: a full consultation with a physician including a discussion, a clinical examination and, where necessary, the prescription of further tests.
  5. Related tests: depending on your needs, you may be offered a gynecological examination, a consultation with a nutritionist, etc.



7. What happens after the health check-up?


Following the check-up, the physician will suggest defining a prevention strategy together to reduce risk factors (work-related, diet, etc.) to which you may be exposed, improve your lifestyle and state of health.


Where applicable, the physician may offer you:

  • Personalized consultations (stopping smoking, healthy eating, etc.)
  • Workshops (diabetes, physical activity, etc.)
  • Specialist care (ophthalmologist, occupational physician, etc.)


Next, you will receive your results by mail and, if you wish, a copy can also be sent to your registered physician.


Dr Jean de Tapol



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